Friday, August 7, 2009

Matacanes and PC Plumbing

So Matacanes was really fun, but very intense. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures yet, since I didn´t take my personal camera (and I´m glad I didn´t!), but hopefully the guide will send us our pictures soon. In a nutshell:
  • Got up at 3:15 AM to catch a ride
  • Got back home after midnight
  • In between, did 27 cliff jumps of various heights. Highest was 12 m (~40 ft), with a couple of 8 m ones mixed in
  • 2 rappels, highest was 36 m
  • Ton of rock slides (which I loved!)
  • 12 hours of walking, climbing, jumping, swimming, rappelling, etc.
  • 1 soaked and destroyed cell phone (hence why I´m glad I didn´t also have my camera)
For some reason, I also ate a ton more during the hike than everyone else in my group. I had 8 Snicker´s bars, 8 granola bars, and drank about 2 L of water. Right afterwards, I also wolfed down half a roast chicken, rice, and beans. Guess I still have that high metabolism...

An interesting note on the 12 m cliff jump. On the way down, I was watching the water, and I actually had enough time to think to myself, Hm, I haven´t hit the water yet... That´s how long it takes to fall 12 m...

On the plumbing note, I had bought a washer for my house, to save on laundromat costs. There was a perfect space to hook it up in the back patio, but when I went to connect everything, I couldn´t find a cold water hookup available. So, over the course of a week, I basically had to rig together this T-pipe plus washer faucet plus hose contraption to keep water flowing to the house while also providing cold water to the washer. Very professional!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo! It is amazing that you could carry tons of extra water and granola bars; and you simply transferred the weight from backpack (?) to stomach pack  Thank you for keeping posting your adventures!

Time in México City, México: