This blog will chronicle all of the cultural gaffes of a Peace Corps volunteer in Mexico. Ok, and maybe some other stuff, too.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Touring bands
One of my Peace Corps friends hooked up with a Mexican band as his "secondary project," so he gets to tour with them. Last night they played a gig here in town, so we went to go listen--pretty good stuff! The band is called Leones Negros and/or Atletas Campesinos, and they play reggae and ska. We even got in free as band groupies!
Engineering graduate from the University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor. I most recently worked in a research & development organization, and somehow fell through the cracks into Peace Corps Mexico. And now the adventure begins!
All opinions and thoughts expressed in this web site are the personal views of the author and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of the US government or the Peace Corps.
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