The religious aspect of Navidad carries on in México. June 6 was the Día de Reyes, to celebrate the 3 kings who visited baby Jesus. Normally this involves eating rosca, a type of bread with little figurines baked in. Anyone who cuts the rosca and finds a figurine is then on the hook (theoretically) to make tamales for Feb 2, the Día de la Candelaria. In pre-Christmas culture, the 3 wise men would also leave gifts for children if they left their shoes out in the evening of Jan Santa takes a bigger role, at least up north.

Our office celebrated this event on Friday, June 8, with 5 giant roscas. Each one had 2 figurines. The 50 people in my office managed to polish off 3 roscas. I did not have any luck getting a figurine, but one guy didn´t want his, so I managed to pick one up. Here it is, still covered in bread.
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