First, the most interesting, though probably least tasty of the dishes. These are fried maguey worms with guacamole and some sort of mole sauce (was not a big fan, though I normally love mole). Maguey is a type of agave, which is the plant that they make tequila out of. These worms are only harvested during a certain season of the year, so they are one of the regional, seasonal foods. Some others are friend grasshoppers (crunchy and taste like the chili powder they are dusted in), escamole (ant eggs...still want to try these), chiles en nogada (now is the season, though they are eaten cold here...not so great).

Second, I always enjoy cake. We had a birthday at the office this week, so cake is always fashionable.

Lastly, my favorite was a traditional dish called a huarache, which has a tortilla-like base, beans, avocado, tomato, lettuce, onion, topped with meat and salsa to taste. What could be better!?!!?