This week is Semana Santa, or Good Friday / Easter weekend, so my office was closed for Thursday and Friday. A lot of Mexicans have the entire week off or take vacation and travel for this week. I decided to avoid the crowds (it is one of the busiest travel times in the country) and stay in Monterrey.
Baseball is inherently an American thing, I've found. Some of the terms are even the same (grand slam, balk, wild pitch, etc.)! So Friday night I went to a professional game for the home team--the Sultanes. As you can tell from their logo and this billboard, the team owner has a thing for the Yankees. I was told (cannot verify) that the current owner actually played on the Mexican little league team featured in the movie
The Perfect Game, that came out in the US last year.

We got really lucky with this game, as it was 2 for 1 night, so we got seats on the third-base line. While we were waiting to buy tickets, some random guy walked by, looked at our group, and handed us an extra ticket (my guess--he didn't realize it was 2x1!). Score! So then we paid 80 pesos for 1 more ticket, and since we were a group of 3, an older gentleman and his son (kids under 12 free) came in on our free ticket with our group. He then handed us 40 pesos for helping him out. So, basically we got 3 adults into a professional baseball game with great seats, for 40 pesos or $3.50.
There were a couple of interesting differences. One, the food was different, but not as different as I thought. Hot dogs, nachos, peanuts, etc., were all present. However, they also had the great Mexican snack, fruit with lime and chile!

Drinks were also served differently. Instead of the Beer-Guys who have to lug their wares all over the stadium, they had these guys stationed in every aisle with buckets of ice and drinks. So if you wanted something, you just waved this guy over and he gave you a cup. Less work, for sure.

Finally, something that is kind of common in México...but there were actually cheerleaders at this game. Cheerleaders at a baseball game!