Happy Chinese New Year´s to everyone! There isn´t a big Asian population here in México, so there aren´t a lot of festivities marking the holiday (outside of all the Valentine´s Day stuff).
This past week I formally signed up for acoustic guitar classes at the local Casa de la Cultura. There are community centers that every city has, and they offer things like dance classes, music classes, etc. Since it is a basic class, we have just done exercises so far with finger placements and chords. Hopefully he will teach us some songs before the class is over.
On Sunday the 14th, a group from my office and the other volunteer up here ran in the Imagen 10K with 2995 other racers. It was not quite as exciting as the previous 10K I ran (no cheering sections or bands along the route), but it was a good run. You can search for my results at this page:
The worst part was that there was an uphill during the last kilometer...killed my plan to sprint the final leg...