Last Saturday, Nov 28th, I had the chance to go to a wedding of a coworker. I am not very familiar with Catholic weddings in the states, but it seemed like a very traditional ceremony. The funnest part was seeing them blowing bubbles afterwards instead of throwing rice!

The hospitable, former PCV in Saltillo hosted a Thanksgiving bash last Sunday the 29th and invited all of the
norteños over for turkey and traditional food. We got to hang out with some folks in the new group who will be our new "neighbors" and catch up with some of the volunteers who are leaving. The host put together a great party with a ton of food--including a 10 kg (22 lb) turkey! Here are the remains after we 11 or so guests got through it.

During the week I was also shown the
trompo, or top. It seems like everyone here learned to play with it as a kid, and some still remember some pretty neat tricks. I have gotten as far as the basic spinning action, and once or twice I have been able to flip the
trompo onto my hand. I still need more practice for some of the between-the-leg style tricks. There is also a type of taco filled with meat called
trompo (in the south, this style of meat is also known as
pastor)--it is different cuts of meat layered onto a spit, with the end result looking like a top. Here is a local advertisement showing Taz attacking the spit.